Hi Pals! Here's the exciting news of the week - I finally felt some baby movement, little flutters but I'll take it. With each day this pregnancy is becoming more of a reality and I am loving it. Living far away from our families has / will always be challenge but I feel so blessed for everyone who calls to check in, my team at work who forces me to nap or rest on a daily basis (no joke), my girlfriends / sisters who text or comment about how much they are DYING to know if baby is a boy or girl and everyone prays for us each week. It is overwhelming (in a happy sense) when I stop to think about it. Ok, enough sappy preggo gab!
Mini Peep is now the size of a large baking potato and I believe it!
Leggings, I love you no matter what. |
Side note: this will be my last long hair picture. Next week
I am my wonderful hairdresser in KY is chopping off 8+ inches and I am donating it to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths Charity. :)
Wearing pink in support of my Baby Girl vote! |
Ok dear ones, I'm outta here! Nick has fraternity brothers visiting this weekend and Mama's got stuff to do. Enjoy your weekend. xoxoxo